Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Chickens! It's what I've been reading up on. I've added a few new babies to my flock ~ 4 new Silkies & 2 Americanas ~ each group has 1 rooster ~ so there will be alot to crow about !!! :) 4 babies are still in the brooder under a heat lamp until they have fully feather out. I love having babies in the house... they "peep" & twitter all day & snuggle up together to nap away the day...as they grow they start to play with each other & try to establish a "pecking order". To my surprise it is not always the largest hen & there are no hard and fast rules that the rooster rules the roost! ;) I have several "mature" hens that have no intention of our rooster paying them any attention... he is turned down everytime. Watching my girls scratch, hunt & even chase some tasty morsels around the backyard has become a form of entertainment for our family. Our children have become quite fond of our flock~ though you wouldn't believe that if you heard them grumble when it's time to clean the coop ~ speaking of poop ~uh, I mean "manure"  & if you prefer it said fancy like then it's called "Maaaa - nure' " lol!  It's some of the best stuff for your garden & compost bin. I will save all that info for another post ~ it really is interesting ~ if you're into "Maaa- nure' " 
Do you raise chickens? Have you thought about raising chickens? Maybe you might consider jumping into chicken ownership like I did... it's been 4 years this Spring & I love 'em !!! Questions, comments ~I'd love to hear from you! I'd be happy to share what I know & have tried. I can suggest some books & websites that have been great sorces of information for me as well.
Let's make it a Hen party!

Ladybug hugs,

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ladybug Luv

Spring has Sprung... well, at least it feels like it here on the East coast. I am dreaming of my garden & trying to make my final selections... I may include cut flowers & dwarf sunflowers.

Compost... I have been working on my "black gold" for a little over a year ~It's ready !!! It's funny ~ years ago I never would have pictured myself getting excited over compost!!! :) I find myself going to "check" on my bin... like it's going to wander away~ Lol !!! I'm reading up on Worm Castings (worm poop!) & thinking I want to know more about this ~ I'll report back my findings.
Spring Fever is catching inside my home as well... I want to freshen up, lighten up, DECLUTTER !!! Time to go through the winter clothes & give away or throw away. Why do my kids save the socks with holes in them??? I know I say "Throw that sock away!" a billion times a week... but those scraggly things keep popping up!
Oh, I digress...
It's time to shake things up a bit... I need a "pop" of color... a new picture above the fireplace or a fab mirror. New pillows? How about "green-ing" it up in here ~ House plants, or small trees ~ that could be the trick!
Time to get back to my garden ~ Thanks for stopping by! Tell me all about your "Spring Fever" & what are your hopes or plans ~ inside or outside!

Happy Days to You !!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Turkey Day is almost here!!!

Turkey day is almost here!!!
Can you believe it is November 16th ???  My goodness, life is going by so fast this Fall!!! I find myself reflecting on childhood memories & yearning to create happy moments for my children to lock away & enjoy in the years to come. Funny stories, cooking disasters, finer family moments & always, why we are Thankful. This year I'm in the mood to "Go Big"... Not in the $$$ sense, but in creativity and to really stop & think what is really important to my family ~ all those special details. Just thinking about all the little opportunities to make my family feel loved & special makes me all a twitter!
What are your family's traditions? Are they passed down from generations gone by? Is this your first year as a new family?
Do you open your heart & home to others that are away from or without family? Do you load the kids up & head down to your local Soup Kitchen & serve the day away? Are you one of the many that are alone during this upcoming holiday? If that is the case, then find others that are alone too & invite them to dinner or have everyone bring a dish...Your options are only limited by your indecision & lack of motivation!
Go for it!!! You'll be Thankful you did & the people that you Bless will be Thankful for your L<3ve & Kindness!!!
I can't wait to hear from you about your plans for this year!!!
~Happy Days,